
NWL March 2023 Anti Fraud Update

Vishing? Phishing? Smishing?

….. Confusing? You bet! They’re all terms to describe cyber scams.  March is Fraud Prevention Month, and the Canadian Bankers Association has a quiz on their website to test your fraud awareness. Here’s the link Fraud Prevention Quiz 

Just so you know….

Vishing refers to “Voice Fishing”. Scammers leave a voice message asking you to reveal personal information.

Phishing is when the cyber criminal sends emails and creates websites designed to look like they’re part of legitimate companies.

Smishing involves (SMS) text messages on your mobile phone asking you to click on a link.

“Take Five Tell Two”

This is an approach recommended by OPP outlined in a recent CBC news report.

If someone approaches you with a pitch, take five minutes to think about it, and bounce the pitch off two different people you trust.

Other advice: 

  • Be suspicious of unsolicited  text messages, calls and emails
  • Don’t send money to someone you don’t know (especially cryptocurrency)
  • Don’t share information over the phone, text or email with people you don’t know
  • Be wary if there’s a sense of urgency to pay money
  • Read the fine print
newsletters NWL Safety

NWL February 2023 Anti-Fraud Update

Do you think this is screenshot of: 

  1. A visitor to someone’s home?
  2. A delivery person?
  3. A stranded motorist?
  4. A suspect in a recent grandparents scam?

For the answer (in case you hadn’t guessed it!), click on the link to this news report from February 3rd,  CTV News Ottawa This winter the RCMP, OPP, and the Canadian Anti Fraud Centre (CAFC) launched a special campaign to raise awareness of emergency-grandparents scams involving seniors. Last year, a staggering $9.2 million was lost to these scams according to the CAFC. That’s up from $2.4 million in 2021. 

How does the scam work? How can you protect yourself?  Go to the CAFC website for important safety tips. Grandparents scams on the rise 

And this reminder that scams can hit close to home….

Grandparents Scam’ Hits Ilderton

Feb 22, 2023 | 10:49 AM from Strathroy Today 

“Middlesex OPP were called to a business in Ilderton on February 16th around 1:45 pm for fraud. The  person came to the business to get additional funds after paying an unknown person $8400 as a result of the ‘Grandparents’ scam.

The victim got a phone call from the unknown person claiming to be a law firm out of London. The caller told the victim their grandson was in a collision and arrested and needed bail money. A person came to the victims house to collect the money. The fraudster then told the victim an additional $11,000 was needed to grant bail.” Grandparents Scam Hits Ilderton

newsletters NWL

London Community News – May 2022

Welcome to London Community News! It’s a fresh, new look for our Neighbourhood Watch London newsletter, to reflect our connection with Over55 Skills at Work. We’ll be presenting the same timely content, on staying safe, secure and engaged in the London community. However, we’ll be expanding our readership to welcome Over55. 

newsletters NWL

NWL March 2022 Newsletter

Spring officially arrived on March 20th. The team at NWL wishes you all the best as we welcome the season.


NWL – Seniors & Fraud 101

This video is a summary of some of the great points that we were able to deliver in partnership with The Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre. While the focus in on seniors, these scams and frauds can cimpact anyone, so we hope that you find this information useful.

Recording of our past anti-fraud webinars are available here:

NWL Anti-Fraud Seminar I

NWL Anti-Fraud Seminar II

NWL Anti-Fraud Seminar III


The War in Ukraine – How You Can Help

Providing Relief for Ukraine

On February 24th, 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin declared the beginning of a “special military operation” aimed at the “demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine.” Shortly thereafter, Russian attacks began on cities across the country, including the capital city of Kyiv.

The people of Ukraine need our help during these times of war. Unfortunately, war brings opportunity for scams and other crime, so we have put together a list of reputable organizations.

Global Affairs Canada will match donations made by Canadians to the Canadian Red Cross’s Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal.  According to Global Affairs Canada: 

“The Canadian Red Cross will in turn allocate the total amount of funding to support the efforts of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, including the Ukrainian Red Cross Society, other International Red Cross and Red Crescent societies and the International Committee of the Red Cross, in responding to the humanitarian needs caused by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. These critical funds will allow the Red Cross to support immediate and ongoing relief efforts and other critical humanitarian activities, both in Ukraine and in surrounding countries, including support for populations that have been displaced.”

Links for those interested in giving:

Global Affairs Canada response to humanitarian crisis in Ukraine

Want to help Ukraine? Several Canadian charities accepting monetary donations for humanitarian aid – Toronto Star

How to donate to assist Ukraine relief efforts – Global News


February 2022 Newsletter


The Government of Ontario announced this month that it will end its proof of vaccination system, effective March first. The province also moved into the second phase of the COVID-19 reopening plan this month. Requirements for masks will remain in place at this time. For details visit the Health Unit’s website.

COVID Scam awareness

The M-L Health Unit is also warning people to be aware of a text/telephone scam. A fraudulent message leads to a fake Health Unit telephone number, where a scammer obtains personal information. To find out more, go to: MLHU Notice of Text/Telephone Scam

Safer Internet Day

February 7th was Safer Internet Day. The theme for 2022 was “Together for a better internet.” This worldwide event aims to make the internet safer for everyone, especially young people and children. OPP tweeted the following to help raise awareness.

Fire Safety

A timely reminder during the winter months from the Fire Marshal’s office.

Enjoying Winter Safely

The City of London is urging residents to enjoy winter safely, and offers this advice on its website. “Stormwater management ponds are not safe for skating, hockey, sledding or any form of recreational activity at any time of year. Residents should also use caution to ensure their safety when tobogganing.”

For more information: Winter safety

And don’t forget this good advice!

Black History Month

February is Black History Month. The London Black History Coordinating Committee has a list of events that are featured throughout the month on its website, which reads:  “20 Years! Respecting the Past, Embracing the Present, Impacting the Future is our theme for 2022.”

Over55 London & Neighbourhood Watch London 50/50 Draw

Congratulations to Donna S, winner of $1,000 in our 50/50 draw held January 31st. And thank you to everyone who purchased tickets. Money raised will help support both of these great organizations.

…and of course, Kanine Kudos!

Until next time, stay safe!


NWL 2021 Holiday Newsletter

Support NWL & Over 55 For a Chance at up to $50,000!

Support our 50/50 draw fundraiser with a maximum prize of $50,000. You can purchase 5 tickets for $20 online at

The final draw will be held on January 31st, 2022 at the Kiwanis Seniors Centre.

COVID-19 Update

NWL COVID-19 Update

Much continues to happen in regards to the pandemic. This includes the recent extension of COVID-19 vaccine booster shots. For information, visit the Middlesex London Health Unit’s website: M-L Health Unit COVID 19 

Of course, we’re all keeping our eyes on the new Omicron variant, which emerged this month as the dominant strain across the London area. That’s prompted warnings from health officials as people prepare holiday gatherings. Here’s a link to a recent news report. 

Omicron variant – CBC News article

Holiday Advice from London Police Service


This is a joyous and magical time to spend with your closest family and friends, but one mishap can make the season not so festive! Follow along each day as we share #12DaysOfSafety tips on our social media channels to help all #LdnOnt residents have a safe holiday season. 

Fire Safety Advice from London Fire Department 

NWL - Fire Safety

London Fire Department


Real Christmas trees drink up to 4 litres of water per day. Make sure to water daily and keep your tree away from any ignition source such as the fireplace, heaters or candles. 

See how quickly a dried out Christmas tree fire burns. Water every day! #WinterFireSafety #Christmastreesafety by following the link to this video:

Christmas Fire Safety

Digital Safety

Windsor Police Service has come out with a new digital safety booklet to help non tech-savvy individuals protect their online safety. It offers valuable advice on everything from securing your devices, to password management, to avoiding scams. You can download a copy of the booklet by clicking here:

Digital Safety for the Non Tech-Savvy

Calling All Canine Lovers!

London Police Services has published its 2022 Canine Calendar in celebration of the Canine Unit’s 50th anniversary. Calendars can be purchased at London Police Headquarters, but please be advised that stock is limited. 

Until our next newsletter, we hope that you stay happy healthy! Happy 2022!


November 2021 Newsletter

November is a time of remembrance for the people who have served our country. It’s also a time for showing gratitude for their efforts, and recognizing the value of peacetime.


Crime Prevention Week

November 7-13 was Crime Prevention Week for 2021. Check out these timely tweets from London Police and OPP. 

Neighbourhood Watch London Webinar – Seniors & Fraud Prevention

We were pleased to welcome Carol Gilmour from the Canadian Anti Fraud Centre as host of our October 28th webinar on Seniors and Fraud Prevention. The CFAC is an important resource for information on how to recognize scams as well as what to do if you’ve fallen victim to fraud. As a follow-up to her presentation, Carol provided us with the publication: Seniors 2021 Fraud Information Package. We are sharing it with you by clicking the link below. 

Seniors & Fraud Prevention

A Distress Signal Helps Save Teen

This hand signal is being credited with helping save the life of a missing North Carolina girl. The 16-year-old was rescued by police after she recently used the gesture and it was recognized by people who knew what it meant, and were able to call for help. The made-in-Canada signal was originally developed for women facing domestic abuse, and it’s believed the 16-year-old girl learned the signal after it went viral on Tik Tok. It’s a simple gesture that involves tucking the thumb into the palm, and covering the thumb with four fingers.  Here’s a link for more information.

COVID-19 Update

Booster shots became available this month for eligible people. These include First Nations, Inuit and Metis adults as well as health care workers and designated essential caregivers in congregate settings (including long-term care home and retirement home staff and designated caregivers), and those born on or before 1951. For eligibility detail visit eligibility 

Parking on City of London Streets

As of November 1, parking your personal vehicle is restricted on city of London streets between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m. Residents and visitors are required to register their vehicle to park overnight on most streets, and vehicles without a valid overnight parking pass may be ticketed. A maximum of 15 free overnight parking passes may be issued per vehicle license plate from November 1 and April 30. The passes can be obtained by phoning the city at 519-661-4537 8:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m., or by going online at Overnight Parking

Raking Leaves Safely

November is a time to clear our lawn of leaves. Here are some tips from the Cleveland Clinic on how to avoid back  injury while raking leaves.

  • Stretch before you start. Loosen your arms, neck, shoulders and back since these are the areas that you work the most while raking.
  • Follow proper raking techniques. Keep your back straight and keep the rake close to your body, as you can strain muscles by reaching too far.
  • Bend at the knees, while keeping your back straight, when you pick up leaves.

For more tips visit: How to Rake Leaves Without Hurting Your Back

Until next month, stay safe & healthy!


NWL October 2021 Newsletter

Greetings from Neighbourhood Watch London!

Fall colours are always a beautiful sight and they’re at their best in October. We hope that you’re enjoying the panorama, and that you are staying safe, happy, and healthy.


There have been some key developments in relation to the pandemic in recent weeks. This includes the announcement that fully vaccinated Canadians will be allowed to enter the United States at border crossings beginning in November, U.S. to reopen land border . You can stay current with the Ontario government’s pandemic planning by visiting the province’s website link, COVID 19 Public Health Measures and Advice.

Fire Prevention Week

Get Loud! That was the theme and the title of this year’s Fire Prevention Week, which took place October 3-9. The 2021 campaign focused on making sure everyone has working smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors in their homes. “Get to know the sounds your alarms make. If the alarm doesn’t sound, install a new battery. If the alarm still doesn’t sound, replace the alarm with a new, certified one,” advises Ontario Fire Marshal Jon Pegg. Here’s some other timely fire prevention advice via Twitter:

Halloween Safety

October means Halloween. And with the pandemic, there are considerations to keep in mind to make sure everyone stays safe and healthy. A recent news article, Public Health Do’s and Don’t For Trick-Or-Treating, has suggested precautions from the Region of Waterloo’s chief medical officer of health.


  • Stay home if sick
  • Follow an outdoor route
  • Wait for others to leave a home before approaching
  • Wear a face covering

Giving out Candy

  • Wash hands before giving out candy
  • Only hand out purchased and packaged treats
  • Wear a face mask
  • Don’t ask trick-or-treaters to shout or sing

Fraud Prevention

We invite you to join us via Zoom on Thursday October 28th, at 1 p.m. for the latest in Neighbourhood Watch London’s series of webinars on seniors and fraud prevention. The upcoming seminar will feature Carol Gilmour from the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre. Carol’s presentation will focus on how to recognize, reject and report “tech support” scams aimed at seniors. Keep an eye out for the email link we will be sending you closer to the date.

Until next month, stay safe and stay healthy!

-The Neighbourhood Watch London Team


NWL 2021 AGM

Welcome to our 2021 AGM! If you have any questions or require help in accessing this content, please email [email protected].


September 2021 Newsletter

Greetings from Neighbourhood Watch London!

September marks the beginning of fall, and we hope the new season brings you health, happiness, and peace of mind.

Ontario’s Vaccine Passport

Ontario’s new COVID vaccine passport plan was introduced this month. It requires residents to show proof they’ve been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to dine indoors at restaurants and go to gyms and theatres. Here are some highlights via CBC News Vaccine Passport. Meanwhile, the Middlesex London Health Unit has set up a new vaccination clinic at White Oaks Mall. The walk-in-clinic will operate from September 14th to September 25th. For information, go to the Health Unit’s website MLHU Vaccination Clinic

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

On September 30th, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation will be recognized as a federal statutory holiday for the first time. It will be a designated paid holiday for federally-regulated employees. It’s held to promote awareness of the residential school system and the impact on Indigenous communities.

Mark Your Calendars

On Thursday October 7th, 2021 the Neighbourhood Watch London Annual General Meeting will be available for download by visiting this link. Once again, we are holding our AGM as a virtual event due to COVID.

Money Mules and Phishing:  Strange “Animals” & Fraud Awareness

You’ve probably heard of phishing. For example, a scammer sends you an email from a recognizable company, in an attempt  to trick you into providing financial information. But you may not be familiar with money mules. According to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre, there’s an increasing number of fraud networks that recruit unsuspecting victims to receive and transfer money from other victims. According to Money Mule Awareness this is often done using bank wire transfers, email money transfers, money services, businesses and virtual currencies. On Thursday September 30th, at 1 p.m. Neighbourhood Watch London presents the third in a series of fraud awareness for seniors. Join Tom Cheel of the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre on a Zoom call that will be focusing on internet fraud. You can join via Zoom here.

Back to School

September is, of course, back to school time. London police recommend parents talk to their children about safety precautions and consider the following safety tips.

  • Establish the safest route to school or the bus stop
  • Encourage children to stick to the route and avoid shortcuts
  • To always walk on the sidewalk or away from the roadway
  • Remind children not talk to people they don’t know

For children learning from home, police also have some safety tips for parents.

  • Have age appropriate conversations about digital use with children
  • Establish your household expectations about things like text messages, location information sharing, etc.
  • Explore parental controls to monitor what children can access through device management programs such as parental controls

Recognizing this can be a stressful time for families, the London District Catholic School Board has a feature on its website that offers advice on coping. For example, asking everyone to think about their level of calm and give it a score of one to ten. Finding Calm During Stressful Times

For more information visit: Back to School Safety Tips

Ideas in Action

Do you have a great idea for a community improvement project? The City of London is inviting residents to share their ideas through the Neighbourhood Decision Making program Neighbourhood Decision Making Individual programs are eligible for up to $30,000 in funding. The deadline for applications is September 21, 2021. For more information email or phone 519 661-5336. Project ideas can also be submitted online by clicking

The City of London is inviting residents to cast their ballots for the People’s Choice categories of the Urban Design Awards. By going online, you can help choose the winner from among 15 recent projects. Nominees include new residential high rises, rehabilitated heritage buildings and improved public spaces. Voting is open until the end of September. Urban Design Awards

A Shout-out to a Local Hero on Twitter


NWL August 2021 Newsletter

Anti-Fraud Seminar

A reminder that NWL will be hosting the second in a series of Zoom webinars on seniors and fraud prevention. Join us Thursday August 26, 2021 at 1 p.m. when Tom Cheel from the Canadian Anti Fraud Centre will be discussing identity theft.

You can join the meeting via Zoom using this link

Did you miss our first Anti-Fraud Seminar? Don’t worry! You can view it here.

COVID-19 Update

As summer winds down, we are reminded to be aware of pandemic precautions under Step 3 of Ontario’s Roadmap to Reopen. As well, with the number of COVID cases on the rise, the Middlesex London Health Unit continues to urge people to get vaccinated. A list of walk-in pop-up vaccine clinics can be found on the Health Unit’s website. MLHU Walk-in pop-up COVID Vaccination Clinics

LPS is Recruting Auxiliary Officers

Do you have the right stuff? The London Police Service is currently recruiting auxiliary police officers. According to the LPS website:

“While auxiliaries work with sworn officers, they can be distinguished by a light blue uniform shirt and ‘Auxiliary’ shoulder flash, as well as a black-and-red checker-patterned hat band. There is a competitive selection process that includes an interview, physical fitness testing and a detailed background security check. Applicants must commit to serving a minimum of 15 hours a month for two years. Once selected, they must successfully complete 60 hours of training that includes presentations on everything from the law and use-of-force procedures to drug and major crime investigations.”

For information go to: LPS Auxiliary Police

Uniform Crime Reporting Survey

Statistics Canada is looking for feedback on the collection of police-reported statistics on racialized and Indigenous identity via its Uniform Crime Reporting Survey. The Survey is being done in partnership with the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police.

   “This engagement will be used to collect feedback on the value of collecting Indigenous and racialized identity data through the UCR Survey, but also feedback on how should the police report the data, what information should be reported by the police, how the data should be used, and any other related concerns. This initiative is a first step toward gathering data that will help shed light on the experiences of Indigenous and racialized groups as they relate to policing and the criminal justice system more broadly.” Source: Statistics Canada website.

Information can be found at: Uniform Crime Reporting Survey 

A timely tweet from OPP: 

#NottyOPP reminding the public to be vigilant when it comes to “Emergency Scams” otherwise known as “The Grandparent Scam” If you have questions call Nottawasaga OPP or reach out to @canantifraud #CommunityEngagement @NewTecumseth @essatownship @adjtostwp

Increased Complaints on Motorcycle Racing and Stunts

NWL - Motorcycle Safety

In the news….a CBC report last month focuses on a rise in motorcycle sales this summer, and an increase in complaints to London police about racing and stunts. Riding your motorcycle this summer? Slow down.

City of London e-scooter and cargo e-bike feedback

The City of London has been collecting feedback from residents and businesses about the use of e-scooters and large cargo e-bikes. E-scooters are powered by an electric motor, and transport people by standing on a platform. Large e-cargo bikes have a pedal-assisted  motor and a platform or box to carry passengers or items. The aim of the survey is to see whether existing rules of the road are adequate, as well as whether an e-scooter share program could be implemented in London. More information can be found at: City of London & e scooters

Until September, stay safe!

p.s. Need a PDF of this newsletter? Just hit CTRL-P on your keyboard, and save as a PDF or print this page.


July 2021 Newsletter

Save the Date: Anti-Fraud Seminar

Save the Date! Neighbourhood Watch London is pleased to be hosting a series of webinars on seniors and fraud awareness with the support of New Horizons and the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre.

A total of four seminars will be held in the coming months. The sessions will be led by Tom Cheel from the Canadian Anti Fraud Centre’s Senior Support team. Tom is a former detective with the Toronto Police Service, with a specialization in financial crime. The first webinar will be held via Zoom Thursday, July 29th at 1 p.m. Keep an eye out in your email inbox for your invitation to participate in the webinars. 

COVID-19 Update

Ontario moved into step three of the Roadmap to Reopen July 16th. That includes outdoor social gatherings and organized public events of up to 100 people, and indoor gatherings of up to 25 people.  As COVID cases decline and restrictions ease, the Middlesex London Health Unit recommends holding outdoor gatherings as much as possible, and continuing to follow guidelines for social distancing and mask wearing. For more information, visit the Middlesex-London Health Unit website.

Heat Exhaustion

Are you at risk? With summer in full swing, it’s once again time to be aware of heat warnings. These warnings coincide with Environment Canada forecasting a daily high temperature of 31 degrees or higher for two consecutive days. People most at risk include the elderly, infants, and those with chronic health conditions. According to the Middlesex London Health Unit, seek help if you experience the following:

  • Heat cramps: symptoms include painful muscle cramps 
  • Heat exhaustion: signs include heavy sweating, dizziness, and nausea
  • Heat stroke: symptoms include headache, confusion, and fainting. Skin may be hot and dry.

Information can be found at: Extreme Heat 

Operation Safe Driver

Operation Safe Driver week was held July 11-17 in 2021. The annual event is designed to promote awareness across North America relating to commercial and passenger vehicle drivers. This year’s focus was on speeding. According to the U.S.-based Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance, speeding was the most frequent factor in crashes involving trucks and automobiles. Ontario Provincial Police and the Ontario Ministry of Transportation joined in the campaign to target unsafe driving as part of Operation Safe Driver week.

LPS Summer Safety Tips

London Police are providing summer safety advice on their website here.

Tips include:

  • Assign a trusted family member or friend to periodically check on your home and collect any mail or flyers for you while you are gone.
  • Ensure there are proper safeguards in place to keep children safe around the pool
  • Never leave children or pets unattended in your vehicle, even if the windows are rolled down. It only takes a minute to heat up and doing so could have tragic consequences.

We hope that you have a great summer, and we look forward to updating you in our August newsletter!

Sincerely, the NWL Team.


June 2021 Newsletter

June brought a tragic reminder of just how much needs to be done to combat racism, acts of hate, and Islamophobia. As thousands of people, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, gathered June 8th in solidarity, a message from the London Muslim Mosque on its website highlighted next steps: “We will be calling for an immediate National Action Summit on Islamophobia, where federal, provincial, and municipal/territorial leaders come together to take immediate action on dismantling both violent forms of Islamophobia and systemic Islamophobia. These actions are necessary to ensure that no one else suffers the way #OurLondonFamily has suffered.” 

NWL is On The Move!

NWL has moved out of its long-standing offices at 652 Elizabeth St. Our landlord, the City of London, required all tenants to vacate the building. And while the future of the building is not known, the fascinating history of what’s called “T Block” is chronicled in the government website Canada’s Historic Places. Once we are safely able to move back into our offices, we will be sharing space with Over55. Please stay tuned for updates. In the  meantime,  you can contact us via email at [email protected]

COVID-19 Update

Ontario moved into Step One of Ontario’s Roadmap to Reopen on Friday, June 11th. That includes measures that will allow restaurant patio dining for groups of up to four people, outdoor gatherings to a maximum of 10 people, and limited access to non-essential retail stores. The roadmap is a 3-step approach to reopening, based on vaccination rates and public health indicators. For more information visit: Roadmap to Reopening

Highway Safety

There are some alarming numbers from Ontario Provincial Police about highway safety. According to the OPP, from January to the end of May 2021, 94 people were killed in 88 fatal crashes on the province’s roads compared to 87 deaths in 78 fatal crashes in the same time period for 2020. Thirty-six percent of deaths on OPP patrolled roads occured in May. OPP say speeding and driver inattention were the leading causes of fatal collisions. See more at OPP Road Safety 

Boating Reminders

If you’re heading out on area waterways for the summer season, here are some safety reminders from the Canadian Safe Boating Council.

  • Wear your lifejacket. More than 80% of Canadians who drown were not   wearing a lifejacket, or not wearing it properly.
  • Boat sober.
  • Be prepared. Make sure your boat is properly equipped with the required safety gear and that the weather is suitable for your voyage.

You can download Transport Canada’s Safe Boating Guide by clicking: Safe Boating Guide

We hope that you stay safe and healthy, and look for more updates in July!


March/April 2021 Newsletter

COVID Update

In response to the surge in COVID cases and hospitalizations, a provincewide stay-at-home order was issued effective Thursday April 8th. This requires everyone to remain at home, except for essential purposes. Updated regulations are posted on the Middlesex London Health Unit website. The vaccine rollout is also continuing, with updated information which you can view here

Fraud Awareness 

March was Fraud Awareness Month; an event sponsored by the RCMP, the Canadian Anti Fraud Network and the Competition Bureau of Canada. Appropriately, with the number of people online during the pandemic, this year’s focus was on online fraud. Did you know that in 2020 Canadians lost more than $106.4 million to fraud? And of that, $62.6 million was related to online fraud? To help protect yourself, an online resource is being made available called The Little Black Book of Scams, which talks about 12 common scams.

Mark Your Calendars!

On Wednesday April 28, 2021 at 7 p.m. NWL will be hosting an online event with Const. Catherine Fountain from London police. Const. Fountain will be discussing fraud awareness and prevention. The event will be held virtually, and we will be emailing invitations via Eventbrite, so look for it in your inbox. 

Spring Flooding

Spring flooding can be a problem for homeowners. The Home Flood Protection Program based out of the University of Waterloo’s Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation has some spring flood protection tips such as:

  • Remove valuables from your basement 
  • Test your sump pump and battery backup

The Home Flood Protection Program has an online checkup you can access to better understand how to protect your home.

Motorcycle Safety Awareness

The warmer weather means more motorcycles are on the road. To help make the journey safer, here are some tips:

For Motorcyclists:

  • Always wear proper safety gear
  • Drive according to weather conditions and your ability
  • If you have to pull over, know how to conduct a roadside stop properly

For Drivers:

  • Always signal before merging into traffic or changing lanes
  • Ensure you make visual checks for motorcycles by checking blind spots and mirrors
  • Never tailgate 

Additional safety tips can be found at Spring Motorcycle Safety  


February 2021 Newsletter

We hope that you had a Happy Valentine’s Day and that you and your loved ones are staying safe and connected, as we continue to follow COVID 19 rules and regulations.

Mark your Calendars

February is Black History Month. To mark the occasion, London Police Service celebrated its Trailblazing Award winners with a virtual event on the 26th. The award recognizes outstanding youth, and celebrates the contributions of Sergeant Lewis Coray, the first black officer hired by London Police Service. This year’s keynote speaker is Barbara Nathoo, a passionate advocate for children’s education. For more information visit the LPS website London Police Service


We’re all keeping a close eye on provincial regulations impacted by COVID 19. It’s also a good idea to stay on top of potential scams and issues of concern related to the pandemic. The Government of Canada maintains a website with up-to-date information COVID 19 Frauds & Scams. The site also has informative content about other related issues. For example, the site addresses misinformation that has arisen during the pandemic. One such topic is titled “Exposure to electromagnetic fields”. The subheading states: “Exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) from 5G devices doesn’t spread COVID-19. There is no scientific basis behind these claims.”

As the vaccine rollout continues, there are media reports that the province will be launching a web portal for bookings. The Global News report says a successful pilot project was carried out in January, and the hope is to have the portal up and running by late February or early March.

The Thames Valley District School Board has introduced a way for students to stay fit during the pandemic. It’s called the Red Shirt Effect. The name refers to athletes who may not be on the playing field, but are still part of the team. Workouts have been developed to be used at home that require a minimum of equipment and space. Details can be found on the TVDSB website: New initiative produces student with virtual fitness. 

Winter Safety

Falls are the most common cause of injury among Canadians seniors. According to Statistics Canada, it’s estimated 1 in 3 people over the age of 65 will experience at least one fall each year. Winter can be especially treacherous, and with that in mind, the Mayo Clinic has advice on its website about helping to prevent falls. This includes: 

  • Take care in risky locations. Check to see if the ground is slippery when exiting a car.
  • Allow for extra time.
  • Check your gait. Use a slower and wider gait for better stability.
  • Dress appropriately.
  • Carry a cell phone with you.

For more tips visit: Avoiding the slip: Winter Fall Prevention 

Pet Protection in the Cold Weather 

Our pets are also vulnerable to cold, and it’s helpful to keep these SPCA tips in mind.

  • Know your dog’s limits. Some are more susceptible to the cold because of their age or breed.
  • Check your car hood to ensure a cat hasn’t crawled under there for warmth.
  • Wipe your dog’s paws. Avoid having them lick off road salt, antifreeze or de-icers.

Additional advice can be found at:  Top 10 Winter Weather Tips for Pets 


January 2021 Newsletter

The new year has brought new challenges, as the province imposed a lockdown beginning January 14th to help prevent the spread of COVID. This requires everyone to remain at home except for essential purposes including:


NWL December 2020 Newsletter

From our families to yours, we would like to extend our best wishes for the holidays. While the pandemic has made 2020 a very challenging year, our wish is that for all of us 2021 will bring hope, peace and joy. 

NWL On The Move

As part of the City of London’s strategy on homelessness, NWL has been asked to vacate its offices for the time being. As part of this initiative, we will now share our offices with Over 55 from the Kiwanis Seniors Centre at 78 Riverside Drive. As you may be aware from media reports, land adjacent to T-Block is being used as part of an emergency shelter plan for the homeless.

London’s 2 new overnight shelters will require 70 staff, 40 volunteers

As NWL is now overseen by Over55 London, be assured the transition will be smooth. Due to COVID shutdowns, our team will be working remotely until further notice. We remain available to you via email, and we will keep you updated on future developments. 

Protection from Package Theft

According to London Police Services, there’s been a 36% increase in porch package thefts this December, compared to 2019. “With pandemic safety measures coinciding with a holiday season in full-swing, people are turning to online shopping now more than ever. While many businesses are still open, many London residents are choosing to shop online in order to avoid packed shopping malls and grocery stores. Many services have also moved to contactless delivery, no longer requiring a signature upon delivery,” notes the LPS. The London Police Services website has some safety tips including;

  • When possible, arrange for a specific delivery time or window to ensure that you will be home.
  • Monitor your tracking number to ensure that you are around when the package is delivered.
  • Ask a neighbour if they could receive your package if you won’t be home at the time of delivery.

For more prevention tips visit the LPS website Porch Package Theft

Watch Your Vehicles

It’s always important to remember to lock your vehicles. And that’s an especially timely reminder, when we’re out shopping this time of year. Earlier this month, the Insurance Bureau of Canada released its 2020 list of the top 10 stolen vehicles in Canada. “Electronic auto theft is on the rise across the country as more vehicles are equipped with technology like keyless entry remotes,” notes the IBC. “In addition there’s a growing trend, especially during the pandemic in dangerous activities such as street racing…providing a market for small, speedy vehicles.”

Here’s a link to the IBC’s top 10 vehicle theft list

Are You Password Protected?

It can be challenging to manage multiple passwords on the internet. But be aware that using something easy to remember can put you at risk of being hacked.  The internet security company NordPass puts the password 123456 at the top of its list of the 200 worst passwords for 2020, noting that it can take hackers less then one second to crack Most common passwords of 2020

To create a strong password, the Better Business Bureau recommends it should be at least 8 characters long, with upper and lower case letters along with numbers and symbols. The BBB says it’s best to avoid using family and pet names as well as birthdays. For suggestions  visit BBB Tip: How to Create a Strong Password


Our AGM will take place virtually on January 27th, with details posted on our website and in our January newsletter.

Have a Safe & Happy Holiday! See You in 2021!


Digital Marketer – JCP

Role Summary: One of the core activities of this role, will be helping to move Neighbourhood watch from a traditional neighbourhood protection model to one of “community watch”, where addressing social isolation in neighbourhoods is a core priority.  This role will involve helping to rebrand the organization, understanding new keywords to implement and how to structure the company’s online brand to meet these new strategic objectives

Position Goals:

  • Guidelines, policies and tools for organizational social media use for rebranding
  • Rebranding Digital media plan
  • Rebranding social media budget

To apply, please ensure that you meet the JCP requirements posted here, and e-mail your cover letter and resume to [email protected].

This placement is made possible through on Ontario Job Creation Partnership, an Employment Ontario Program.


NWL Needs Your Help!

As you know, COVID-19 has presented a difficult situation for our entire community, including Neighbourhood Watch London. Our goal is to continue to serve you, and we hope that you will consider supporting us with either an NWL Plus membership – $25 a year – or a one-time donation. Any amounts of $20 or more are tax deductible. You can learn more about membership benefits and how we operate below.

Engaged Members Make for an Effective Watch

Since 2001, Neighbourhood Watch London (NWL) has been helping build better communities throughout the Forest City. We help residents to take positive steps to improve their communities by working with them to identify, mitigate, and report community development and safety issues.

How Are We Funded?

NWL is independent of both the City of London (including any related municipal bodies) and the London Police Service. Our funding comes from business and individual membership fees, provincial grants, and donations from our members and concerned citizens like yourself.

Two-Tiered Membership

NWL now has two levels of membership available:

General Membership for NWL is free and gives you access to our programs which promote community betterment through safety, engagement, and civic participation.

NWL+ is $25/year and fully tax-deductible since we are a registered charity. Members of the Plus Program can save up to 10% on home insurance through Allstate Insurance Canada. Additionally, NWL+ offers members health benefits as well as discounts from local retailers.

Giving Helps Make Your Neighbourhood Safer

As a registered charity, NWL relies on the generosity of our members and members of the community at large. To continue being a reliable resource and advocate for safer, more cohesive neighbourhoods, NWL needs your support. Because it is only together that we can achieve our mutual goal of creating and maintaining vibrant, engaged communities all across the Forest City. 

Join NWL+ today and start taking advantage of these awesome benefits!

Already a member and wish to donate? Email us at: [email protected] to learn how. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. 


October 2020 Newsletter

Greetings From NWL!

What’s New at NWL:

Fall has arrived and we hope you are staying safe, and making the best of the season in these challenging times. Of course the pandemic is top of mind as we look at daily reports of COVID numbers and subsequent measures to curb the spread of the virus.

COVID-19 and Halloween

The pandemic has raised questions and concerns among families about trick-or-treating this year. Recent media reports include comments by Mayor Ed Holder and Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Chris Mackie, which highlight considerations in planning for Halloween. We’ve put together a special Halloween guide for our members, which you can read here: NWL COVID-19 Halloween Tips

A Special Note From London Police Service Regarding Increased Bank Fraud

Be aware of recent reports of personal banking fraud. Here’s how the scam works: The victim is approached by someone who says they’ve lost their wallet or phone. The suspect asks for assistance, sending a fake electronic fund transfer to the victim. The victim is convinced to withdraw cash from an ATM, and hands the money over to the suspect. After the suspect has left the area, the victim realizes they have been defrauded. In another scenario, the victim is asked to deposit a cheque by the suspect into their personal bank account and turn over the money to the suspect. The victim later discovers the cheque was fraudulent.

“The London Police Service would like to remind the public that agreeing to withdraw funds from a bank account for a stranger is very risky, and usually ends up in a situation where the victim loses money. Any time someone wants to use your personal bank account for their benefit, it comes with great risk and should be avoided to protect the integrity of your bank account and personal finances” according to the London Police website.

Why Reporting is Important

A man has been charged after citizens called police following a break and enter at an east-end London business. Police received a call about 11:30 p.m. September 26th, concerning a man said to be holding a shovel outside a Dundas St. building. Officers arrived to find a glass door had been damaged. A man fitting the description of the suspect was taken into custody and property belonging to the business was recovered. To quote police: “We want to take this opportunity to thank the members of the public for reporting crimes to the London Police Service. Often things go unreported, and we continue to remind Londoners, when we don’t know – we can’t go.”

Canine Kudos!

Heroes come in all shapes and sizes, and sometimes they have four legs! London police dog Koda, is being credited with helping the Canine Unit catch a stolen vehicle suspect. The vehicle had been taken from south London residence September 28th. Police tracked down the van, and as they approached the vehicle, the suspect fled into an alley. Koda led police to a man hiding inside a large garbage dumpster. The suspect has been charged with theft over $5000.

London’s Strategic Plan – What’s in it For You?

You might want to take some time to familiarize yourself with London’s newest strategic plan. A strategic plan is used by municipalities like London, to outline priorities for the coming years. London’s 2019-2023 strategic plan is available for viewing on the city’s website. Regarding community safety, the plan includes commitments to:

  • Reduce collision-related injuries and fatalities through public education and enhanced traffic enforcement.
  • Reduce crime through increased visibility of community patrols and partnership with other agencies to address multi-jurisdictional criminal activity.
  • Reduce victimization/revictimization through public education, promotion and encouragement of public engagement in crime prevention strategies.

London’s strategic plan also aligns with NWL’s commitment to neighbourhood building, with pledges to:

  • Strengthen engagement opportunities for all Londoners to participate in their neighbourhoods.
  • Support neighbourhood festivals, cultural events and activities across the city.
  • Implement programs and services that respond to neighbourhood recreation needs.

Our New Website is Here!

If you’ve visited recently, then you’ve seen our new design! With COVID-19, we need to transition to digital communications, and our new website has great new information for all of our members. We welcome your feedback, so be sure to e-mail [email protected] and let us know what you think!

NWL Needs Your Support

COVID-19 has presented challenges for many non-profits, and we are no exception. In order to maintain the viability of NWL, we have created a new tier of membership: NWL Plus. This membership will offer exclusive resources, as well as special discounts and perks from local businesses who are part of our new My Business Neighbourhood Program. Membership is only $25 a year and is tax deductible. You can learn more here.

Until next month, we hope that you stay safe and healthy.

The NWL Team

COVID-19 Safety

Tips for a Safe & Spooky Halloween!

Like most of 2020, Halloween is undoubtedly going to look a lot different from previous years. But different doesn’t have to mean worse—it just means we have to get a little bit more creative in trying to celebrate our more ghoulish tendencies.

While health authorities haven’t officially nixed trick-or-treating during the pandemic, they have urged people to exercise good judgement by taking proper precautions. Recent media reports include comments by Mayor Ed Holder and Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Chris Mackie, which highlight considerations in planning for Halloween. Recently, Ontario has rolled back some rules on social gatherings, and has even reverted three major areas in the province to modified stage 2 restrictions. You can read a CTV article here for more local details.

More than anything, people want to be able to let their kids have some fun again. A chance to allow—if even for just one night—their imaginations to run a little wild and forget about the virus that has upended any sense of normalcy. And even though doctors are advising against the typical door-to-door hunt for goodies, adapting past traditions to fit the times isn’t as difficult as one might think.

Keeping it Safe

As we move into the colder days of fall with the second wave in full swing, it’s important not to let our guard down. Take a look at these simple suggestions and find out how to minimize your risk of exposure while reveling in the spirit of the season:

  1. Consider individually wrapped goody bags arranged outside on a table for kids to grab as they pass by.
  1. Use tape or other markers to indicate where trick-or-treaters should stand in case a line-up appears at your doorstep. For more festive flair, use cobwebs, gravestones or skeleton bones placed at six-foot intervals as helpful reminders.
  1.  For trick-or-treaters, carry hand sanitizer and sanitize regularly throughout the night. 
  1. Keep gatherings small. Ontario’s current guidelines stipulate limits of 10 people indoors, and 25 people outdoors.
  1. Continue to wear medical grade or cloth face masks. Halloween masks are not suitable replacements for protection against the virus. If wearing a Halloween mask it is still recommended you wear a face mask underneath.

Still Concerned? Consider Going Virtual

If families are thinking about alternatives to traditional door to door  trick-or-treating, the U.S. Centres for Disease Control has some suggestions. These include:

  • Having a virtual Halloween costume contest.
  • Having a Halloween movie night with people you live with
  • Having a scavenger hunt-style trick-or-treat search with your household members in or around your home

For more ideas for virtual Halloween activities, visit the CDC’s website.

If you found this article and our resources helpful, consider joining NWL Plus for members-only updates, savings on home and auto insurance from Allstate, and discounts from local retailers. You can also make one time, tax-deductible donations – since 2001 Neighbourhood Watch London has been a registered charity focused on community safety and improvement.

– The NWL Team

p.s. Always follow the guidelines of your local public health authority, and if something doesn’t feel safe, then don’t be afraid to skip handing out candy or trick or treating this year. Wishing you all a safe and fun Halloween!


September 2020 Newsletter

September has brought with it a lot of challenges and change this year because of the pandemic.  It’s a very different back-to-school season for families. And we’re all keeping a close eye on measures like restrictions on the size of gatherings, that are mandated by the Province of Ontario in consultation with health authorities.  We hope you’re staying safe.

Have Your Say

The City of London is testing a new website, and wants input from residents. Visit to have a look. The redesigned website will be launched on October, 7 2020. But before that, the city is asking residents for their opinion. The idea behind the redesign is to make the new website easier to navigate with better features for updating information. By visiting the City of London website, you can either go to a prototype of the new version or access the current website.

COVID & City of London Services

Effective September 21, the City of London began providing in-person services to people who may have found it difficult to have their needs met via alternative methods such as by phone or online as a result of COVID. This pertains to child care, recreation and social service supports. Front counter service is available at specific locations throughout the city, Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Please note that safety measures are in place to prevent the spread of COVID. For a list of services and locations, please visit the City of London website.

Rail Safety Week

Did you know that accidents at railway crossings claim the lives of more than 2,100 people in Canada and the U.S. each year? This September, London Police participated in “Operation Clear Track”. It’s a yearly event that brings together law enforcement agencies to remind people of the dangers of ignoring safety rules around railway tracks and crossings. “Railway tracks have the potential to be dangerous places”, says Sergeant Sean Harding of the London Police Service, Traffic Management Unit.  “Whether you are a motorist, cyclist or pedestrian – do not trespass on railway tracks or property. Cross only at designated locations and when crossing the tracks – pay attention, and do so safely.” Due to COVID, the focus this year has been on spreading the message digitally. Visit and for more information. 


The news media has been full of stories of frau related to COVID since the pandemic began. According to the Canadian Anti Fraud Centre, $5.6 million was lost to COVID-19 fraud between March 6, 2020 and August 31, 2020. This month, Waterloo Regional police arrested a woman in connection with a scam involving the online sale of puppies.To help you understand more about COVID and fraud, as well as fraud in general, the Anti Fraud Centre has a website with updated information and safety tips. Visit the Canadian Anti Fraud Centre here.

Also In the News…..

You may have seen in the news this month a disturbing incident in Nanaimo B.C. in which a family returned from vacation to find that someone had been living in their home. The CBC reports on the case in:  He Was In Our Kids Beds.  One item of note in the CBC report is a quote from Nanaimo RCMP Constable Gary O’Brien. “The best security is having neighbours looking after your home. That is the best.”

Our New Website is Here!

If you’ve visited recently, then you’ve seen our new design! With COVID-19, we need to transition to digital communications, and our new website has great new information for all of our members. We welcome your feedback, so be sure to e-mail [email protected] and let us know what you think!

NWL Needs Your Support

COVID-19 has presented challenges for many non-profits, and we are no exception. In order to help sustain NWL, we have created a new tier of membership: NWL Plus. This membership will offer exclusive resources, as well as special discounts and perks from local businesses who are part of our new My Business Neighbourhood Program. Membership is only $25 a year and is tax deductible. You can learn more here.

Until next month, we hope that you stay safe & healthy.


The NWL Team.


August 2020 Newsletter

Greetings! We hope you are staying safe, as summer draws to a close. Like many of you, our NWL team members have been working from home during the pandemic. There are some exciting initiatives that will be rolled out in the months ahead as we look to enhance our digital presence and engage current and future members; notably in the local business community.  We will keep you abreast of these developments.

Back to School 

September is, of course, back to school. But with COVID, this will be a school year unlike any other. If you have kids in grades K-12, check with your local school board for up-to-date information Here are some useful links:  TVDSB and London District Catholic School Board. In the time before school starts, there are things parents can do to help ease kids into the 2020/2021 school year according to the website Helping your kids adjust to going back to school after lockdown from Morneau Shepell; a leading HR company.

  • Act as a sounding board. Listen to your child, because sometimes just talking about a problem can help.
  • Take your child’s concerns seriously. This year, academic and social pressures may be compounded by stress over the pandemic.
  • Help your child get into a routine after the summer. Try getting them to bed earlier a week before school begins.
  • Brush up on reading and math skills together. 

Driver Safety

COVID has meant changes to bussing policies for many Ontario school boards. Drivers are urged to use extra caution at all times near schools. But this year there may be more kids walking to class, so here are some reminders from the government of Canada’s website Get Prepared for Back to School Safety!

  • Observe school speed zones. Children crossing the road can be easily distracted and step in harm’s way. 
  • Obey the crossing guard.
  • Respect flashing signal lights. 
  • Parents should also avoid having young children at the school bus stop too early, where they can wander or get into mischief.

London Police COVID Update

London Police Headquarters gradually began to reopen to members of the public, by appointment, in August. This is being done with the appropriate health and safety measures in place such as wearing a mask, hand sanitizing, and maintaining social distance. Entry to the building will allowed 15 minutes before the time of an appointment. According to the LPS website: 

“At this time, appointments are available for specific services including fingerprints (if required as part of the record check process) and Freedom of Information document pick up. LPS will not be accepting in-person record check applications or in-person Freedom of Information Requests.” 

For more information visit  London Police Service

COVID & Fraud

As you may have heard in the news, the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) plan has been hit by cases of identity theft. Criminal have preyed upon hundreds of people by assuming their identities to collect government cheques. According to recent media reports there have been as many as 20 cases in London. Jeff Thompson with the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre is quoted in RCMP urges ‘diligence’ as identity theft linked to CERB soars as having this advice:

“It’s good practice for citizens to be doing due diligence at all times.”

“That really starts with checking your credit reports once a year, making sure there are no unauthorized activities, checking your financial statements, your bank accounts, your credit card statements making sure there’s no unauthorized charges, monitoring your mail, making sure you’re getting your mail and it’s not being stolen or redirected.”

Getting to Know Our Fellow Neighbourhood Watch London Members

We are grateful to our many active members, and we thought you might enjoy meeting some of them! In this edition of the NWL newsletter, we’d like to introduce you to Sandy, a dedicated Area Coordinator and resident of west London. 

Hello Fellow Neighbourhood Watch Members

My name is Sandy Alsop and I have been the Coordinator for the Norton Estates 4 zone for over 30 years. I got interested in NW in the early 70’s when our home was broken into twice in the same year.  Needless to say, our sense of security was affected and it took a long time to feel safe again.

When we moved to another neighbourhood in the same area, I took it upon myself to get the neighbourhood involved in NW.  I knew it worked;  so it wasn’t a “hard sell” to get residents on board.

Zones were designated and captains and co-captains were assigned to each zone.  Information for Resident Lists was gathered and soon the WATCH was running smoothly and efficiently.

Initially, we had over 200 homes in our WATCH. In 2002, I requested that our WATCH be downsized to 64 homes.  They included the homes on Westbury Ave. Westbury Place and Wentworth Court.  Far more manageable.

In 2003, I petitioned to get streetlights on Westbury Ave.  Looking back,  it was a lot of work but well worth the effort. To this day, I still look at our street and am pleased that our street is well lite and safe.

There have been many changes in the NW Program, since the installation, in our area.  But the mandate remains the same—Neighbours working together to prevent crime.  Communication is the key and makes for a very friendly and caring community.

My goal for 2020 is to ensure that all information is up to date and to obtain email addresses for all residents.  This will allow me to send newsletters electronically; reducing my costs.

The NW Program is a great asset to Londoners and I hope it will continue to serve our residents.

Sandy Alsop 

And to close, here’s a great local piece via twitter

Thank you everyone, and we look forward to reaching out to you again with our September newsletter! And don’t forget – we still need your help two very important projects:

Friendly Call

In our June NWL newsletter, we told you about Friendly Call, and we would like to remind you about this new initiative. Over55 Skills at Work is helping to reach out to people during COVID by linking volunteers with people who would benefit from a friendly telephone conversation. If you would like to request the service or you want more information please visit

The Longevity Economy

This project is led by our community partner, Over 55. The Longevity Economy is focused on highlighting the value of mature workers, job seekers and entrepreneurs, and adding their highly under utilized value to our local labour market and businesses.

Over 55 is currently seeking research participants – job seekers age 55+ – to participate in a short interview. This process takes less than 30 minutes, and participants will receive a gift card to a local retailer as a thank you. Learn more at

newsletters NWL

July 2020 Newsletter

Greetings from NWL!

What’s New at NWL:

We are thrilled to welcome some new faces to the NWL team. We are fortunate to have them working with us on a temporary basis, through the Job Creation Partnership program. Here is a bit about them:


June 2020 Newsletter

Greetings! We hope that June 2020 finds you well. 

The team at Neighbourhood Watch London is welcoming new Team Members in June who will be working with us in the coming months.


NWL May 2020 Newsletter!

The Joys of Journaling!

Have you ever kept a journal? Maybe you kept a diary when you were younger, but you’ve long since stopped recording your daily thoughts. Even if you’ve never considered yourself a “writer”, it could be a great time to start journaling.

newsletters NWL

NWL April 2020 Newsletter

COVID-19 Update

With the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s now more important than ever to support each other to ensure our communities stay strong. Social media is playing a vital role in helping us all stay connected, so please stay in touch! We encourage you to follow us on facebook, twitter and instagram, and also to join our new facebook group to stay in touch. This new group is private, and only open to NWL members.


NWL OJCP Positions

JCP (Job Creation Partnership) positions are government funded and as such have a special set of requirements. YOU MUST MEET the following requirements:

1.  You are a permanent resident of Canada (your Social Insurance Number cannot begin with a 9 if you intend to apply for this position)

2. You are actively receiving EI benefits, have made an EI claim that ended in the last 3 years, or an EI parental or maternity benefit claim that ended in the past 5 years.

3. You are willing to accept a wage equal to EI benefits – compensation is set by this government program and cannot be adjusted.

Current Postings:

This placement is made possible through on Ontario Job Creation Partnership, an Employment Ontario Program.

newsletters NWL

NWL March Newsletter

Dear NWL Members:

As we enter March 2020 in the mist of this COVID-19 pandemic, we would like to reach out to you with suggestions and tips on how you and your watch area can remain safe and healthy.

newsletters NWL

NWL COVID-19 Update

Dear NWL Members:

As COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus continues to challenge how we work and deliver service, we would like to inform you that our offices are closed until at least April 6th. We remain available to you via e-mail – [email protected] – should you have any questions or concerns. Please watch this space for COVID-19 tips for you and your community.

Thank you, and stay healthy!


Rodolfo Martinez

for the NWL Team

newsletters NWL

February 2020 Newsletter

February 2020 Newsletter


Thank you for all of us at Neighbourhood Watch London as we work towards building a stable and sustainable future for our organization.  We appreciate those of you who have provided email lists of your Watch members so that we can maintain an up-to-date database.

newsletters NWL

January 2020 Newsletter

2020: Starting a Year of Clarity

We hope that you all had an enjoyable holiday, and that this year is treating you well. As we continue a period of change for our organization, we wanted to provide a brief update, along with some resources.


NWL Holiday Campaign

In this season of giving, we ask that you consider a tax-deductible donation to Neighbourhood Watch London (NWL).

As you are no doubt aware, our financial future is in jeopardy. The City of London no longer provides grant money to NWL, and we must now rely on options such as fundraising to help sustain the organization.


Understanding Cyberbullying

Bullying is the imbalance of power between two people. This imbalance of power occurs when someone intentionally and repeatedly says or does hurtful things to someone else. You might remember our blog from September called How to Prevent Bullying that touched on how to identify bullying and how you can report and prevent bullying.


Safety Tips for Leaving Your House During the Holidays

Many students are currently finishing exams and preparing to head home for the holidays. During the holiday season, robberies, burglaries, and thefts tend to increase.


Managing Snow This Winter

Did you know that shovelling snow can actually be dangerous? Statistically, it’s more dangerous for people aged 55 and up.1 But why?


Preparing for the Seasonal Flu

As flu season is in full swing, we thought we might cover some of the ways that you might prevent the flu if you haven’t already caught it. This blog article is going to discuss 8 ways in which you might stay safe from the flu.


Black Friday Shopping

Most people are already familiar with the notoriety of Black Friday. For those that aren’t, Black Friday is the day after American Thanksgiving that kicks off the holiday shopping season.


Barriers to Substance Use Recovery

This week is National Addictions Awareness Week and in that spirit, we will be discussing common addiction issues that some Londoner’s face and how this affects our community and what we can do to alleviate the issue.


How to Prevent Crime

While the month of November is Fire Prevention Month, Crime Prevention WEEK is this week! November 5th – November 11th! In that spirit, we are bringing to you a blog article that talks about some of the most common crimes in London, Ontario and what you can do to prevent them.


The Dangers of Daylight Saving Time

The concept of Daylight Saving was first conceived by Benjamin Franklin.  It was inspired when he woke up one day at 6am and saw light coming in through his window. He considered that if he had slept until noon, like he and the rest of Paris normally would, he would have slept through 6 hours of daylight and in turn been awake for 6 hours through the night by candle light. The latter was much more expensive so, in the spirit of economy, he thought up the novel idea of daylight saving and how it could save Parisians a great deal of money!


The 4 Ways that Your Office is Unsafe

October is Ontario’s Healthy Workplace Month and this week, October 22nd-27th is Workplace Safety Week. In that spirit, we will be discussing common workplace safety issues and ways that you can prevent them, whether you are an employee or an employer.


5 Ways to Have a Safe Halloween

Halloween is an exciting time for children as they get to dress up as some of their heroes and run around their neighbourhood with some of their friends and family collecting treats to satisfy their sweet tooth. However, with all the excitement compounded with excess sugar intake, it is easy for an accident to happen. As we mentioned in our previous blog about Halloween Costume Safety, children on Halloween night are twice as likely be struck by a car than on any other night.1 Halloween can actually be a dangerous night, so take all the precautions that you can so that no one gets hurt and so that everyone has fun.


How to Make Halloween Costumes Safer

Since 1980, there have been 16 cases in which children under the age of 15 years have suffered burn injuries. One of those injuries resulted in death.1 However, many agree that the biggest risk to injury for children on Halloween is motor vehicle accidents. On Halloween children are more than twice as likely to be hit by a car as on any other night of the year.2 It is for these reasons that children’s Halloween costumes need to be made safer to prevent fire injuries and vehicle accidents. Below, you will find tips on how to make your children’s Halloween costumes safer.


6 Ways to Have a Great Thanksgiving

The holidays, for some, are the most wonderful times of the year. For others, the holidays can be a stressful time. Getting families together and putting on big meals is a stressful enough task but if you add on boredom or high emotions then things can get explosive. Here are six ways to navigate holiday landmines!


5 Apps to Help You with School and Life

Staying organized during the school year can be difficult. Often, you are so busy that you’re quickly overwhelmed and important things can be forgotten. Schools try to help us with this by offering planners and other learning tools. What people easily forget is that most of us have valuable learning tools right in our pockets…

Our phones!

We are going to tell you about 5 apps that will make your life so much easier and help you stay organized during the school year.


How to Prevent Bullying

“How many of you have ever felt personally victimized by Regina George?”

Many of you will recognize this quote from Mean Girls.


How College/University Students Can Make the School Year Fun

Students have begun their yearly pilgrimage to London with the intention of attending the Fall/Winter college or university session. Some students are new to London, and some students are experiencing life away from home for the first time. In order to help our new community members stay safe as they navigate this exciting time, we decided to compile some tips for staying safe and introduce them to some helpful resources!


How to Stay Safe with Children Going Back to School

It’s that time of the year when the aroma of pumpkin spice fills crisp autumn air. It’s also the time that kids start to return to school! As elementary school, secondary school, and universities/colleges begin their terms, we at Neighbourhood Watch London will be focusing on Back to School Safety.

Crime Prevention Blog

New Technology To Identify Your Personal Property

Trace Pen

The Trace Identified Pen is an anti-theft device helping residents to mark their property so that in the event of theft, they could have their property returned to them.

Crime Prevention Blog Social Media

Moving Into a Neighbourhood Watch Community

About 6 months ago, my family and I were considering buying our first home. Being new to London, we weren’t sure what to expect. What we did know was our priority was to find a safe, nurturing community for our children to grow up in. We worked with our realtor and did a lot of searching online before finding the best location for us. Once the deal was finalized, we started the process of moving in.

Crime Prevention Blog Social Media


Here at Neighbourhood Watch London, we’ve created a new hashtag to use on Twitter called #EyesOpenLDN. This hashtag is meant to be used as a reminder to be on the lookout for any suspicious activities, people that need assistance, and safety concerns in the community.

Crime Prevention Blog

Welcoming New Londoners

Ask any immigrant what they felt like when moving to Canada and most likely they will say it was excitement and anticipation combined with fear and uncertainty. When everything around you is new and unfamiliar, including the language and the culture, it

Crime Prevention Blog

Reporting a Crime

The Top 4 Reasons Why Reporting a Crime is So Important

Have you ever witnessed a crime? Had your car broken into? A window busted? A garden gnome stolen off your front lawn? You may wonder if it’s even worth your time reporting such crimes. In fact, many crimes just like this go completely unreported. But, why? Well, there are many myths that lead people to believe reporting certain crimes just isn’t worth their time. In this blog we’ll debunk those myths and help you understand why it is so important to report crime in your neighbourhood.